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Making A Difference

Joseph's Storehouse is blessed with large truck loads of food each month to be a blessing to many in the community.

Cars begin lining up early before our gates open at 8:30 on giveaway day, which last until 11:30.  There is plenty of food for everyone who comes during those times. 

Frequently Asked Questions
Who qualifies?

Low income individuals/families living in Tennessee are eligible.

As an approved distributor of USDA* commodities, we must adhere to their eligibility requirements. These fall into two categories:

  1. Families on public assistance 
    1. Food Stamps (SNAP)
    2. AFDC (Families First)
    3. SSI (Supplemental Security Income)
    4. Public Housing resident
    5. LIHEAP (Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program)
  2. Families with income levels not in excess of the maximum percentage of the poverty level (Must know total household income)
    1. Social Security (including disability) recipients (most will fall under this level but some exceptions may occur)
    2. All others with incomes below the maximum percentage of the poverty level

Families may be approved for up to one (1) year at a time.  Application Renewals are required after one year.  All applicant/recipient information will be stored securely in the the Link2Feed database Joseph's Storehouse participates in using.

NOTE: Food pickups are restricted to once per month per the USDA guidelines.  The Link2Feed database will flag any duplicate addresses or pickup dates within the same month.  As a result, you may be turned down for food at that time if it is determined your household has already received food for the month from either Joseph's Storehouse or from another USDA distributor in Tennessee.

*USDA and Joseph's Storehouse Food Ministry are equal opportunity providers.

What to bring?

First time applicants must provide the following:

  1. Name of Each Household Member
  2. Address 
  3. Telephone Number 
  4. Date of Birth for Each Household Member*
  5. Total Household Income, Source of Income and Which Member Receives Each Type of Income
  6. Types of Public Assistance (food stamps-SNAP, families first, SSI, LIHEAP, public housing)  Your Household Receives if Any.

*This information is required to determine eligibility based on the number of people listed in your Household in conjunction with your Household Income.

Renewal applicants will be required to fill out an updated form similar to the original application.

When is the monthly food distribution?

The monthly distribution is always held from 8:30-11:30 AM on the last Saturday of each month and Thursday of that same week.  The only exceptions are November and December when it is held the week prior to Thanksgiving and Christmas. Please see our calendar for exact dates.  

What about emergency situations?

Individuals/families may come on Mon-Thurs 9-11:00 AM to receive One Time Only emergency food. This is for emergency situations. Monthly food recipients must come during the regular distribution times.  If you receive emergency food during the month, you will have to wait until the following month to come to the regular distribution due to the once-per-month policy.

What types of donations are acceptable?

We welcome donations of unopened food, toiletry and household items. We have coolers and freezers to keep items fresh until the food distribution. We also welcome donations of refrigerators, freezers, storage bags, boxes, and similar items. In addition, we accept donations of toys, appliances, and other things a family in need could use, in new or very good condition. From time to time we have specific needs for which we send out a plea to the community. And of course we welcome cash contributions. It takes dollars to pay for the food, freight, and general overhead (utilities, supplies, etc.) in order to do all that we do.

Do you need volunteers?

We wouldn't be able to do what we do without our base of volunteer support. We need volunteers to help in the warehouse sorting, bagging and boxing food and other items. During the monthly giveaway days we need extra volunteers to help with everything from application registration to prayer/ministry counseling to loading the cars with the food. First time volunteers are usually assigned to help with the food distribution lines in the warehouse. Volunteer ministry counselors and registration table workers require some training first.

Are there any restrictions on volunteers?

Children ages 13-17 must be accompanied by a parent, guardian or other adult representative (the youth minister of a youth group, for instance).  Children 9-12 accompanied by a parent are allowed on a case by case basis.  Children 8 and under are encouraged to come back when they are older. Volunteers working in the warehouse must wear appropriate closed-toed shoes and be physically able to lift the boxes full of food.  We also ask that everyone dress modestly... nothing shorter than walking shorts for both men and women, and ladies, please wear tops with appropriate necklines.  For your safety, we ask that no open-toed shoes be worn while volunteering.  We do have a policy/procedure form for all volunteers. Feel free to contact us for more information.

Do I have to attend church services or pray?

We are not a church, nor are we directly affiliated with any specific church. We are an independent, faith-based 501(c)(3) ministry.  We do, however, offer prayer during our drive thru giveaways which is completely voluntary. No one is required to participate, but we have found that almost everyone who comes for assistance also requests prayer. We are offering them hope and encouragement, and most people appreciate being shown the brotherly love that our faith teaches us to show our fellow man.  We pray for whatever specific needs the person requests, typically in the areas of health, family and finances. If someone doesn't want prayer, that's his/her choice and does not affect his/her ability to receive assistance from us.


More Resources for Help

DeKalb County:

Upper Cumberland HRA 615-597-4504;

God's Food Pantry 615-597-4540

Smith County:

Help Center 615-735-8090;

Upper Cumberland HRA 615-735-0476

Trousdale County:

Help Center 615-374-2904;

Mid-Cumberland HRA 615-374-3489

Second Harvest Food Bank

Food Pantries

Feeding America

Free Food

Mid Cumberland HRA

Upper Cumberland HRA





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Contact Us

PO Box 2387
Lebanon, TN 37088-2387
Phone: 615.453.5777

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Monthly Food Giveaway Location

1960 S E Tater Peeler Road
Lebanon, TN 37087


Our Mission

To promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in the Holy Bible by meeting the needs of the people. (Matthew 25:35-40)