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Making A Difference

Joseph's Storehouse is blessed with large truck loads of food each month to be a blessing to many in the community.

Cars begin lining up early before our gates open at 8:30 on giveaway day, which last until 11:30.  There is plenty of food for everyone who comes during those times. 

Changing Lives - Our Blog
Tuesday, November 18 2014

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, the majority of Americans are planning to be surrounded by more family and food than any other day of the year, except maybe Christmas. Travel plans, grocery lists, and Black Friday sales are on our minds.  Some of us will take the time prior to the big meal to offer up a prayer of thanks for family, friends, food, and blessings, but how many will stop to think of those less fortunate who won't have a turkey, or maybe not even a hot meal at all?  Maybe your neighbor was just laid off and doesn't know how he will feed his family.  Maybe your co-worker is struggling to make ends meet.  Maybe that stranger walking down the street in the cold as you drove by was just turned down for yet another job.  Maybe the weary woman in the grocery store has fled an abusive relationship with just her children and the clothes on her back and is using the last bit of change she has to buy bologna and crackers to feed the kids one more meal... while she goes hungry herself.

Too often here in America we see the pictures of starving children in third world countries and fail to realize how many go hungry in our own backyard. The answer is TOO MANY.  If even one child goes hungry, that's one too many, but the sad reality is that we have not only hungry children, but countless senior citizens who go hungry as well. Statistics show that Tennessee is second in the nation among senior citizen hunger.  Quite often these seniors live alone and social security barely covers their basic living expenses. What little may be left is typically used on medicines with nothing left to buy food.

Here at Joseph's Storehouse we see the need every day. Hundreds of senior citizens and struggling families come through our doors looking for help.  We offer them food for their bodies and hope for their souls. So many are discouraged and depressed when they come, but we offer them hope and encouragement along with the food.  We want them to know that we care.  Why? Because God cares, and we are His hands and His feet in this world today. It is up to us to make a difference in our world.  Will you help us help them?

Posted by: Chris AT 07:10 pm   |  Permalink   |  Email

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PO Box 2387
Lebanon, TN 37088-2387
Phone: 615.453.5777

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Monthly Food Giveaway Location

1960 S E Tater Peeler Road
Lebanon, TN 37087


Our Mission

To promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in the Holy Bible by meeting the needs of the people. (Matthew 25:35-40)