As we are all preparing to celebrate the Easter holiday, we think about the glorious resurrection of our Savior, but it didn't start there. Jesus left the splendor of Heaven to come to earth and live a life of sacrifice. He wasn't born into a lap of luxury, but into poverty. He endured struggles and hardships even before His ministry began. He was persecuted, mocked, betrayed, beaten, and ultimately crucified. He lived, and died, as a sacrifice for us. In turn, let us live a life of sacrifice for Him. Give of yourself to help others. If it's not but one day per month, volunteer your time. Skip that extra Starbucks or softdrink one month and donate the savings to feed a family in need for a month. Buy an extra can of soup or beans or bag of rice or roll of toilet paper the next time you're at the grocery to give to the hungry. Go to the dollar store and put together a little care package of toothpaste, soap, and other toiletries for someone without a home. Let's all live a life of sacrifice to help our fellow man.