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Making A Difference

Joseph's Storehouse is blessed with large truck loads of food each month to be a blessing to many in the community.

Cars begin lining up early before our gates open at 8:30 on giveaway day, which last until 11:30.  There is plenty of food for everyone who comes during those times. 

Changing Lives - Our Blog
Monday, November 29 2021


Every year for Christmas Christians around the world celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus. He left His heavenly home and took upon Himself human flesh to dwell among us. As He did so, we do not need to just think of a baby in a manger at Christmastime. Christmas is so much more than that. He came that He could die on the Cross to pay for our salvation and destroy the works of the evil one. That is what Christmas is all about for those know Him. 


It is very rarely that people think of the Cross at Christmastime because it is the time set aside to celebrate Jesus’ birth. But in Philippians 2, Paul connects the two thoughts as he writes about God coming to Earth as a man. Paul says in verse 8 regarding Christ Jesus, “And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross.” For the sake of our redemption, God came as a baby and took upon Himself the appearance and likeness of man to be our atoning sacrifice. 


As Rick Renner has stated, “Out of His deep love for us, Jesus was willing to leave His majestic realms of glory to enter the realm of humanity. Shedding all His visible attributes that were too much for man’s flesh to endure, He dressed Himself in the clothing of a human being and was manifested in the flesh. That little Baby in Bethlehem was the eternal, ever-existent God Almighty, who came to us in the human flesh so that He could dwell among men and purchase our salvation. He was and is the only constant in this world of chaos and confusion.”


The Board of Directors and staff of Joseph’s Storehouse would like to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christ-Centered Christmas. May you all experience “The Real Reason For The Christmas Season” as you stay well and safe this holy holiday time. ~ God’s blessings, protection, and favor to all.


Benny Nolen
Joseph's Storehouse

Posted by: Pam Henson AT 09:07 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Lebanon, TN 37088-2387
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Monthly Food Giveaway Location

1960 S E Tater Peeler Road
Lebanon, TN 37087


Our Mission

To promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in the Holy Bible by meeting the needs of the people. (Matthew 25:35-40)