This thought and action of “Burn the ships!” has been considered significant by several military strategists for over 2,000 years. Alexander the Great in 334B.C. on the invasion of Persia and Cortes in 1519 on the Spanish conquest of Mexico just to name a couple. Both leaders were victorious in this action by telling their men that they were not going back. This kept the troops focus of moving forward in battle. They did not have the option of looking or turning back.
As we enter this New Year, let us consider this thought of “Burn the ships!” as we leave behind 2021. Spending time looking back prevents us from moving forward with what lies ahead. Let us “Burn the ships!” of past failures and successes, that of bad habits, that of regret and disappointment, that of guilt and condemnation, and that of past mistakes. Our focus must be to “Burn the ships!” of anything in our past that would hinder us from accomplishing what God has called us to do. That’s exactly what Elisha did when Elijah placed his mantle upon him (1 Kings 19:19-21). Elisha used the wood from his plow to barbeque his oxen to feed his family and neighbors. Elisha literally “burned the ships” (his farming tools and livestock) of being a farmer to move forward in accepting God’s call to be a prophet.
The apostle Paul wrote to the Philippian Church, “this one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead” ~ Phil. 3:13. Let this be our approach as we embark on this year of tremendous possibilities. God has many good plans for us to walk in and to experience. One of the main things that can prevent us from seeing this happen is to continue to look back. When we are tempted to look back, it does not allow us to see the wonderful opportunities that are right in front of us. Romans 8:25 says “But if we hope and look forward to something we don’t have, we must wait patiently and confidently.” May we all wait patiently and confidently in hope looking forward to what God has planned for each of us in this New Year. ~ God’s blessings, protection, and favor to all.
Benny Nolen
Joseph's Storehouse