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Making A Difference

Joseph's Storehouse is blessed with large truck loads of food each month to be a blessing to many in the community.

Cars begin lining up early before our gates open at 8:30 on giveaway day, which last until 11:30.  There is plenty of food for everyone who comes during those times. 

Changing Lives - Our Blog
Wednesday, April 06 2022

FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK - My son was engaged in a vehicle accident a few years ago. At no fault of his own, his SUV was totaled. He then started the process to purchase another vehicle of like kind. After searching for a few weeks, he had to settle on a different kind of vehicle. He was unable to purchase an SUV, a vehicle of like kind, and bought a truck, a vehicle of a different kind. 


The word “another” is the most important word in the above account. Another can mean “another of a like kind” or “another of a different kind.” Jesus promised His disciples in John 14:16, “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Comforter to be with you forever.” Another in this verse means “another of a like kind.” The Comforter that Jesus is referring to is the Holy Spirit. As Jesus fellowshipped with His disciples in the Upper Room, He taught at length about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was sending a clear message to them that when the Father would send the Holy Spirit, the Spirit would be just like Him. The Holy Spirit would perfectly represent Jesus in every way and duplicate His life and ministry. He would mirror Jesus to such a degree, in fact, that whatever Jesus would say is exactly what He would say, and whatever Jesus would do is exactly what He would do. With Jesus soon to leave the disciples, this must have been very encouraging because it let them know that the Holy Spirit’s presence would make it seem as if Jesus was still there among them.


Jesus taught that if the Holy Spirit lives in us, it is the same as having Jesus here with us. It would be as if we had lived 2,000 years ago when Jesus walked the earth with His disciples. The Holy Spirit exactly mirrors Jesus’ own character, power, and actions that we find in the four gospels. This should inspire us to study the gospels to become more familiar with the character of the Holy Spirit. This will help us know that whatever Jesus did is exactly what the Holy Spirit will lead us to do in every situation of life as we lean on His guidance and direction from within. ~ God’s blessings, protection, and favor to all.


Benny Nolen
Joseph's Storehouse

Posted by: Pam Henson AT 09:29 am   |  Permalink   |  Email

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Lebanon, TN 37088-2387
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Monthly Food Giveaway Location

1960 S E Tater Peeler Road
Lebanon, TN 37087


Our Mission

To promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as taught in the Holy Bible by meeting the needs of the people. (Matthew 25:35-40)